Print Services | Web Print

  1. Log in to PaperCut to upload documents from any device and print from a campus printer.

    Username and password is your StarID and StarID password.

  2. After logging in, go to Web Print from the left side navigation

  3. Choose Submit a Job

  4. Choose turkey1\MPLS_BW for black and white printouts or turkey1\MPLS_Color for color printouts and then click Print Options and Account Selection

  5. Choose the number of copies.

    Student will charge to their personal account, employees or student employees that print from a department cost center may choose Charge to a shared account. Click Upload Documents.

    Upload your documents by choosing from a file or drag and drop the files, note the accepted file types, after you have uploaded all the documents to print out, choose Upload Documents and Complete.

  6. You will be returned to a page where you can view the jobs you have held in a queue, go to a printer on campus and release the print jobs,