WiFi - eduroamCAT Installer Instructions

Installing eduroam CAT on your PC, macOS, Apple device or Android device

Note for Android Users:
Before you proceed with installation on Android systems, please make sure that you have installed the eduroamCAT application. This application is available from the Play Store, Amazon Appstore and as local download, and will use the configuration file downloaded from CAT to create all necessary settings.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.eduroam.geteduroam for Android 11 and above.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.swansea.eduroamcat for Android 8 to 10.



All Devices

  1. Go to https://cat.eduroam.org/


  2. Click on the blue eduroam user: download your eduroam installer button.

  3. Choose Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

  4. Your type of device should be listed. Click to download the installer.

  5. If your device is not listed correctly, click Choose another installer to download

  6. Choose your device installer



Instructions Video