WiFi | Wireless Access - eduroam

Connecting to eduroam

Your StarID needs to be active and you need to be currently affiliated with one of the Minnesota State Colleges or Universities in order to log into the eduroam network. 


To sign into the eduroam network (this is a secure network)

Student Username: your StarID@go.minnstate.edu
Employee Username: your StarID@minnstate.edu
Password: Your StarID password. 


College owned devices  

Any device owned by the college will be configured to automatically connect to the Wi-Fi, if the device is WiFi capable.  MPLS-Secure is the network that all campus machines should connect too. Users should not have to connect their College issued devices to the WiFi.  This network can be used for BYOD as well.  Users can sign into MPLS-Secure with their StarID and StarID password.    



eduroam for personal devices. Bring your own device. (BYOD)  

Once your device has been connected to the eduroam network your device will automatically connect to that network again when available.
Eduroam is also used by organizations outside the Minnesota State System, like the U of M and the US Bank Stadium. If you have previously connected to eduroam and go to the U of M campus, your mobile device would find the eduroam network and automatically connect.   



Guest network access

Campus guests or anyone who does not have a StarID can access the network called MPLS-Guest.  
Guest Wireless Instructions



Android:  - these setting change per model

Security: 802.1x EAP
EAP Method: TTLS or PEAP
Phase-2 Authentication: PAP or GTC
Proxy Settings: none
IP Settings: DHCP
CA Certificate: Do not validate instead (your connection will still be secure) 
Identity: yourstarID@go.minnstate.edu (employees use StarID@minnstate.edu)
Domain: minnstate.edu  
Anonymous Identity: not needed, leave blank
Password: StarID password  




Username: your StarID@go.minnstate.edu (employees use StarID@minnstate.edu)
Password: your StarID password




Phase-2 Authentication: Automatic
Server CA Certificate: Default
Identity: starID@go.minnstate.edu (employees use StarID@minnstate.edu)
Password: …….
Anonymous Identity: not needed, leave blank



Troubleshooting your connection to eduroam

Due to the wide-range of mobile devices that may be used by people on campus,  these are just some generalized guidelines to help troubleshoot your device.  

If you are unable to connect your device using the instructions above, you can install a certificate.  
Called eduroamCAT (Configuration Assistant Tool).  Connect to the Guest WiFi to temporarily gain access to the internet. 
Instructions for installing eduroam CAT


For more information about eduroam visit the following links.  

Minnesota State IAM's eduroam page