Remote Desktop Connection on Windows 10 - PC

For some Minneapolis College Employees, they require specific resources only available through the Campus Network, such as Minnstate ISRS - Networked storage such as personal H:/ and Departmental S:/ folders.

This article explains how to connect to the Campus Network securely through the Remote Desktop Connection application on Windows.


  1. Select the Windows Start Menu on the bottom left of your screen:

  2. Type “RDC” while the Start Menu is open to search for Remote Desktop Connection and select the option.

  3. Once the dialogue box opens, select Show Options to expand the menu:

    Once the Show Options menu is expanded:

  4. To connect to the Campus Network, enter for the Computer. Then for the User name, you’ll enter MPLS\StarID replacing StarID with your own.

  5. Select connect, and once the application connects it will prompt you to enter your StarID Password:

  6. You may be prompted to approve a certificate, select the “Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer” checkbox and select Yes to connect:

Changing the Screen Resolution on Remote Desktop Connections

Sometimes the resolution may not fit your device, or you may need to adjust the resolution to best fit your display.

Follow the steps in the previous section up to expanding the Options window then follow the steps below to adjust the Remote Desktop resolution:

  1. Along the top bar select Display to view options:

  2. Once selected you can adjust the Display Configuration, you can move the bar to select the window size that works best for you, however; Full Screen is recommended for most connections.