Screenshots | Using Snip & Sketch

Take a screenshot on a PC using the Snip & Sketch app on Windows 10.

Take a screenshot on a Mac - Shift + Cmd + 4
Instructions for taking screenshots on a Mac

Instructions for Using Snip & Sketch

  1. From the start menu search for the Snip & Sketch App

  2. Click on New to capture a specific area on your screen, just click and drag over the area you would like a screenshot of. Once the screenshot is captured, it is automatically saved to your clipboard and can be pasted into an email or document or can be saved as an image.

  3. Use the delay option to capture pop out menus

  4. Configure your settings

    Settings Overview:
    Auto copy to clipboard - this allows you to simply paste the most recent screenshot to an email or document
    Ask to Save Snips before closing
    Multiple windows - allows multiple Snip and Sketch windows to be open at the same time
    Snip Outline - this feature is useful for taking screenshots that have a white background so the screen shot image does not look like text in a document

  5. After taking a screenshot a new menu of tools will appear


  • Open an existing image in Snip and Sketch

  • Use the pen, highlight and eraser tools to mark up the screenshot as needed 

  • Use the ruler to draw lines with a straight edge

  • Use the crop tool to size down an image

  • The tools on the right side of the toolbar are Zoom, Save file, Copy to clipboard and Share