Computer Name on Windows 10

IT names campus computers with the location of the device and state asset tag number when they are deployed.

IT will often ask for the computer name in order to troubleshoot, remote into the machine or know what machine to work on.

When submitting a Technology Support request, it is highly recommended to include the computer name in the ticket.  

To locate the computer name follow one of the following five options.

Option 1 - use a keyboard shortcut

Option 1 only works on a full keyboard with Pause | Break key

Press and release the Windows Key + Pause Break key.
A new window will appear and the info is located about 3/4 down where it says Computer Name.
The Windows key is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on a full size keyboard.
The Pause|Break key in the very top row, furthest key to the right on a full size keyboard.

Option 2 - use File Explorer

Open File Explorer from your task bar and right click on This PC and go to Properties. 

Some PCs have the computer name displayed in File Explorer instead of saying This PC.





Option 3 - Use System Settings

In the Start Menu, click on Settings, then System and then About and look at Device Name.






Video Instructions

Video Instructions for Option 2 - use File Explorer


Video Instructions for Option 3 - Use System Settings