Primary Email Address

If you have more than one email address due to multiple affiliations with other Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, a preferred or legal name change, you will need to choose one email address as the primary. A primary email address is what appears in the Global Address book and what email appears each time you send an email. 


Multiple Affiliations:

If you are or have been a student or employee at multiple colleges, you will have an email address assigned for each college. You will need to choose what email address you want as primary. Student and employee mailboxes are separate. So if you are an employee at one college and take classes at another, you will have a student email address and an employee email address. 


If you have multiple student affiliations, you have one mailbox for all the colleges and log in and access your email using your

If you have multiple employee affiliations, you have one mailbox for all the colleges and  log in and access your email using your



Name changes

When a name change is applied to an email address, the new name is set as an alias email and can be set to Primary. However, the other email address will remain as a hidden alias, meaning if anyone emails the previous name, it will arrive in the same inbox. 



You can view what your primary email is set to currently by going to Your Account in


Logging into any Minnesota State Colleges and Universities email account. 

Your username used to sign in and access your college email addresses is different than your primary email address. 

All Minnesota State Colleges and Universities have the same universal log in username: Your (students) or (employees). All other email addresses you have are considered alias emails. 



Email Log In Assistance

Logging into your Minneapolis College Student Email
Logging into your Minneapolis College Employee Email


Update your primary email address

  1. Log into the StarID Self Service site and go to the Office 365 Contact tab.


  1. Select a new Student or Employee Contact Card and click on the email you want set as the primary.