ISRS | Access request process

Login Info:

You log into ISRS using your active StarID and StarID password.

Request Access to ISRS web applications and the Uniface client (employees):

  1. Go to the Employee Home page at:

  2. Enter your StarID and password and click on Login.

  3. Select the Security Administration link under the Employee Applications. This link can only be accessed while on campus or using the VPN off campus.

Before requested Uniface Groups become active the approval manager(s) at your institution must approve the request. Once approval has been granted, you will receive an email notification. You may log into the Uniface desktop application after approval has been granted.

Here is a link to the Minnesota State Help Desk and their phone number for further questions about access to ISRS. 

Minnesota State System Office IT Help Desk

Minnesota State ISRS Help Desk

Accessing the ISRS web applications after your account is set up through the system office 

Log into the Employee Dashboard in eServices and you will see the applications listed under Administrative Applications. 

Accessing the ISRS Uniface application after your account is set up through the system office 

ISRS Uniface access on campus is user specific and is only accessible on campus from employee computers. 

Only staff machines are able to launch and access the ISRS Uniface directly from the desktop.
Anyone needing to access ISRS Uniface application from an instructor station or off campus will need to use this link -

All staff and faculty should have the ISRS Uniface icon pre-populated on the desktop of staff and faculty machines.
If the icon is not working or does not launch please contact Technology Support.

Requests need to be submitted to IT for student employees so we can configure their workstation to get the ISRS Uniface icon on the desktop. They will need to complete a Data Privacy course in D2L first.

Request Access for a Student Employee: 

The process to request and obtain Uniface security for certain ISRS administrative applications changed to a web-based process on November 16, 2017. The new process will require the StarID owner or an Approval Manager to log into the Security Administration web application and activate a Uniface account and request security groups.

The previous process, which included a paper form that was submitted via email to SO-ACCOUNTLIFECYCLETEAM, is no longer in effect and that form has been removed from the website. The link on the website will direct a person to log into the Security Administration application, as outlined below.


Students will not have access to Security Administration. Approval managers will need to complete the following steps for student employees.


Follow these steps to request a Uniface account:

  1. Access the Security Administration application at .

  2. Log in with StarID/password. NOTE: If you have associations with more than one institution, you will need to select the appropriate institution where security is needed.

  3. Select Uniface under the Dashboard heading.

  4. If the message “No Uniface Accounts Found. Click here to create one.” appears on the screen. click on the here option to request a Uniface account.

  5. A message will appear on the screen to indicate that the account was created.

  6. You may then request security for one or more Uniface Groups.