Request a Minneapolis College Connect Site


  1. Navigate to the SharePoint Site Request Form

  2. Fill out the information requested in there. You will need to decide who the site owners will be and the site members before you fill out the form. You can copy and paste your site members in the Site Members field, you just need to make sure that you have a semicolon after each name.

    Site Owners will be the people that have administrator privileges on the site. They will be the people that are in charge of changing the structure of the site; adding different features and modifying the way the different features work.

    Site Members will be everybody that will contribute to the Minneapolis College Connect site. They will be able to add and update different things on the site, such as documents, calendar items and tasks. This is the typical membership of most people in your department.

  3. Once you click save, your request will go through an approval process. You will receive a notifications throughout the process, as well as a link to your request in the original notification.

  4. If your request is approved, and the site created, you will receive an email with information on how to start managing and setting up your site.